COMPLETE! 21DayFix #100LBWeightLossJourney

Finally! I managed to finish a program with Beach Body. This has been like my fourth attempt since starting my journey in 2013. Every time I would get into a program I would get sick, or be in pain and would have to stop, it’s been a rough road!

But, this time around, I finished it. I had some set backs, like the flu and trying to maintain it while travelling. So, my results could have been more dramatic, but, I finished it!!! And my results were fantastic enough!


end measurements I’ll take those decrease in measurements, thank you very much! 🙂

Total 15LBS down, 4 pant sizes and lots of inches!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woot Woot!

And the fact that I did this by eating clean, drinking Shakeology and doing 1- 30 minute workout everyday…Amazing. It is truly that easy! Now, don’t get me wrong, it was tough. Getting over the mind blocks of not being able to eat what I want, when I want. And the workouts were not easy, I had to modify lots of moves. But, the fact that I could lose weight weight by doing such things that should be  a natural part of my life…and a simple and easy concept….do what you should be doing (eat healthy, and exercise) and you’ll get moving along on your journey!

Yesterday I started TurboFire, which is an intense 90 day(I think) program. I’m a tad bit scared about committing to such a LONG program, but, I know I can do it! I’m also doing a November challenge via #thefitpartners challenge group, AND I have my own challenge group #jointhechaos starting a challenge on November 1oth! So, I will be maintaing the 21DayFix eating plan as best I can but, because my level of activity will be increased, I will also be allowing some “cheats”, like a bit of ketchup for my chicken.

So, if you would like to join our “5 Day Jump Start Challenge” Group please click ……... HERE.…… 🙂 Starts November 10th lasts 5 days. I provide the meal plan and exercises your provide the results!


I had a follower ask me, why I drink Shakeology if I think it tastes disgusting. LoL. Great question. Here was my response to that question:

“Thanks for asking! 🙂 I’m not a fan of any kind of meal replacement, <nutrient dense>, or supplement type drinks. However, MANY people LOVE the taste. I LOVE the health benefits that I have noticed since starting Shakeology. And it is because of those benefits that I will continue to drink it. I was hesitant to keep trying it and I was not sure I wanted to invest such a large amount of money into “one meal a day”. But, my health has improved greatly since starting it. My fibro is not nearly as bad as it was, the indigestion and stomache pains I was enduring for the past 5 yrs are almost non existent, my body is in a healing process and getting stronger. You can just mix the shake with water and drink it. Which is what I did while on the road for 3 days this past weekend. It wasn’t my normal” shake” which consists of ice, water and a smidge of vanilla extract(pure), but, I drank it. It refreshes you when you are tired or have just worked out. It helps repair your body when you are sick. It’s cheaper than buying individual vitamins/herbs/foods to try to get the same benefits. I’m a fussy eater so it makes it even harder for me to get the benefits just from eating. My challenge group coming up will ONLY involve meal plans and exercises, no Shakeology. 🙂 Thanks for following and your support!

 I want to extend my response to that, as I have thought a lot about it since posting my response.

We often put many things into are body that are NOT good for us. We also do things to our body that are not healthy. My journey has not only been about losing 100LBS, but, also developing a healthy lifestyle and learning to actually take care of my body.

When you really take time to *THINK* about your daily life and how you feel, physically, mentally…what is your immediate thought/feeling?

I think most of us are “programmed” with negative responses to that question. For the longest time people would ask me “How are you?” and my response would be “I’m here”. What a sad and depressing statement that is. That I felt like I was just “existing” instead of living!!!

How much are you doing right now to change your negative answer to the question above? Probably not as much as you could!

We get so stuck on how crappy we feel, how much is going wrong in our lives to truly find a way out of that dark sticky place that seems to hold our positive thoughts and feelings captive. Some days I can remember feeling “trapped” by those feelings and thoughts. I felt lost, alone, and felt like no one understood how truly crappy I felt.

The truth is, is that there are MANY people out there who feel the same way, that are struggling, that are feeling lost and alone. And that is one of the reasons I wanted to blog both the good and bad on my journey. It is important that we feel connected to someone in the world, someone that can relate to the experiences we go through or the struggles we face. “Everybody needs somebody” ~can’t remember where I have heard that before but, it’s true.

And while some of us get lost in the thought that our spouses are going to be the ones who will support and share the excitement on the journey…yeah, probably most of them will be watching you on your journey and be happy for you, but, their excitement will not be the same as someone else who is SHARING your journey with you. Find someone who inspires or motivates you and connect with them! You do not have to do this alone!

Back to why I drink Shakeology… a little side tracked there didn’t I?

I have learnt from doing the 21DayFix that removing the “negative” things in my diet, that my health and “feeling good” would dramatically change! But, in removing what I already was doing, I would need to replace that void with something. That something, was a nutrient dense shake called Shakeology.

I do not use it as a meal replacement. I drink it with  usually a small breakfast item (apple, toast, or turkey bacon). Just like I used to drink a glass of juice or cup of coffee.


As time goes on with drinking it, I find that I have developed an okay taste tolerance to it. My formula must stay the same though, every time I try a new “recipe”, I find that it just does not work for me. My recipe is: 1 scoop strawberry Shakeology, 4 ice cubes, 1 cup water and a dash or pure vanilla – blended well! It’s not horrible, I don’t really think it is disgusting, it’s just one of those things that I am not used to. So, it took some time for my taste buds to adjust.

I also want to be honest with people. I want my potential customers and coaches to know that not everyone will like Shakeology at first, it may take finding the right recipe for them, or it may take time for their taste buds to become accustomed to the taste, like it did me. Some people LOVE their Shakeology and the taste, my SIL, is one of those people. She drinks the chocolate and I cannot find a recipe, for me, that works with the chocolate. But she can just shake it up with water and drink, and enjoys it. If I am going to sell something I want to be able to give as much detailed information about it. I want to be as open and honest with my personal experiences so that people realize that I’m not just trying to sell them something, quite the opposite! I’m trying to help them choose something positive for their health!

So, now I want to share some information about Shakeology so that you can be more informed about it.


Tony Horton from P90X (which is currently on sale!) is hilarious in that video isn’t he? Love it.

It shows that buying all the herbs/supplements separately can cost a large amount of money. When all those things are found in Shakeology  for a fraction of the cost! I don’t know about you, but I would rather drink a shake than take a bunch of pills!


Why wouldn’t I want to put all these good things into my body??

Here are the things I have noticed since aading Shaekology to my daily regime/menu:

  • Decreased snack cravings
  • Feeling Fuller
  • More Energy
  • Hair not falling out as much and growing faster
  • Nails growing – which they never did before!
  • Almost non-existent indigestion and IBS attacks
  • My fibromyalgia pains incredibly lessened as are the bouts of extreme exhaustion that I would normally get.
  • My arthritis pain lessened. i was losing grip in my fingers/hand when I first started 21 DayFix, now I am regaining my strength!
  • And…….just an overall feeling better!!!

Now to address some FAQs about Shakeology(You can find all the FAQs and answers on my Shakeology website):

Does Beachbody sell Shakeology on Is Shakeology sold on

“Shakeology is sold exclusively through Beachbody’s Network of Coaches. Because of this, Beachbody does not sell Shakeology directly on”

However, BeachBody has set up an ‘Amazon Product Ad’ page that serves as an ad that gives an overview of Shakeology and directs people to for their purchases.  This allows coaches to receive customer leads and be able to provide ongoing support through meals plans and challenge groups which those persons selling on amazon, do not.

**” Also, please note that if you see a listing of Shakeology that says “Shakeology by Beachbody” – this does not mean that Beachbody is selling Shakeology on It’s simply indicating the name of the company that MAKES the product– it does not indicate the name of the SELLER.””

If Shakeology is the healthiest meal of the day, why is it so expensive? 

“At just over $4 per serving, Shakeology is an incredible value. Each serving packs up to 17g of protein per serving along with whole-food nutrition from some of the most nutrient-dense superfoods on the planet. This combination of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, phytonutrients and rare adaptogens is unparalleled. We are exceptionally proud of the benefits Shakeology delivers as our customer testimonials attest to. And we make great efforts to ensure the high quality and purity of our ingredients. When all of this is factored in, the value is truly impressive.”

Is Shakeology “certified” as a meal replacement?

“Shakeology is a dietary supplement that when prepared with certain liquids, healthy ingredients, and/or fruit can contain enough calories to replace a meal. As with all dietary supplements, Shakeology is designed to supplement your healthy diet and not be the only source of nutrition throughout the day. Shakeology is not recommended to replace more than two meals per day.”

Can I mix Shakeology in with food I’m cooking/baking?

“Cooking or heating Shakeology would destroy many of the nutrients in Shakeology and upset the nutrient balance. It’s recommended that you not heat Shakeology above 110 degrees. Ideally, drink it at room temperature or cooler. However, if you prefer to drink it warm, you can warm your liquid – just not above 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not boil Shakeology.”

Some Notes About Shakeology:

  • For ALL formulas: Once mixed/prepared, it is recommended to consume your shake within 30 minutes.
  • Shakeology is sold with a 30-day money-back guarantee. The guarantee period starts on the date of delivery (about 2 weeks after the product was shipped from the warehouse). You may return Shakeology packages that have been opened and used, even if the bag is totally empty.
  • The following are the Weight Watcher points for the corresponding Shakeology formulas:
    Chocolate  = 3 points
    Greenberry = 3 points
    Tropical Strawberry = 3 points
    Chocolate Vegan = 4 points
    Vanilla = 3 points
  • Tropical, Strawberry and Chocolate Vegan: Because the vegan formulations are made with plant proteins rather than whey (dairy), they are the ideal choice for someone with lactose intolerance.

You can find more FAQs here:


So, for now, there ends my discussion, well, rant, on Shakeology. 🙂

If you want to know more feel free to ask or check out my Shakeology website!


About ChaosAndSilence

#100LBWeightLossJourney New to Blogging Newbie Gamer on Twitch. Avid Contester Mother to 2, Wife of 6 years. Baking, photography, dancing, hiking, etc.

Posted on November 3, 2014, in #jointhechaos, Click HERE to read my day to day posts of my "100LB WeightLoss Journey ", Uncategorized, Weightloss/Get Healthy Challenges and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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